2016年8月18日 星期四

真愛 單身電影成長班


今年夏天國際真愛家庭協會特別為您舉辦電影欣賞會,透過電影我們將學習一系列的單身成長專題:如何尋找天路伴侶、信仰價值觀與婚姻、原生家庭、角色調適等等,寓教於樂,內容精采豐富,還有聯誼交友,將備簡單餐點,歡迎您報名參加。截止日: 8/23(額滿不收)

報名方式 : 1)請完整填寫以下表格電郵至 office@familykeepers.org    2)報名費$10請在當天報到時繳交 (請自備零錢)

**已完整填寫過表格者不須再填寫,但要先rsvp (額滿不收)

真愛家庭協會 婚前事工團隊敬邀
Dear FK friends,

This summer, we are hosting a especial movie event for Christian singles! Via watching movies, we'll be going over a series of essential topics for Christian single spiritual growth like..biblical guidelines for dating, biblical foundation for marriage, family history, gender role expectations, and etc. Simple dinner will be provided. Welcome all the Christian singles(never married) to sign up! 

Registration: Please complete the registration form as attached and email to office@familykeepers.org before 8/23 AND Pay your $10 entry fee when you check in at the event. (Please bring exact cash)

** If you have completed the form before, you need to rsvp only. However, we don't accept rsvp after reaching our maximum capacity 

